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Would you give 36 minutes for a 36% increase in your close rate?

Sign up for a free, personalized audit that identifies key areas where you might be leaving time, money, or both on the table.

Would you give 36 minutes for a 36% increase in your close rate?

See how your team and close rates stack up against your competitors using PandaDoc

"The biggest plus with PandaDoc is the increase in close rates our reps have seen, followed closely by the nearly 12 hours per week we’ve been able to save when creating, storing, and sharing sales documents."

"Gone are the days of our clunky, inefficient proposal and contract process. We love that we can count on the entire PandaDoc team to help us look our best while increasing our bottom line."

What is PandaDoc’s revenue audit?

To effectively identify areas for close rate improvement and measure the efficiency of your document workflow, you’ll need some reliable industry benchmarks to compare it to. That’s where we come in.

The offer

The offer

This one-time offer is valued at $2,795 and is specifically designed to give you the insight you need to maximize document efficiency and ROI, saving you tons of time, money, and headache.

The what

The what

We analyzed data from 27,000+ PandaDoc customers across 9 key document efficiency metrics for you to measure your efficiency against theirs.

The why

The why

When you request a personalized business documents consultation, we’ll work with you one-on-one to identify your “why”, make adjustments, and supercharge your process and your revenue.

Reserve your personalized revenue audit now

Don’t miss out on this one-time offer (valued at $2,795!) designed to give you unique insights into where you can skyrocket your close rates and identify process inefficiencies. Save your spot by filling the form below.

Answers to your questions

How can I leverage the consultation for my business?

During your personalized document workflow consultation, we’ll work directly with you to identify areas of improvement within your own document creation and management processes to reach parity with industry standards.

What’s included in the consultation?

The personalized consultation will measure your document processes against the following metrics: create to send time, send to close time, close rate, rejection rate, average deal value, template use rate, CRM integration use rate, expired documents, and view to close time.

What are these metrics?

The metrics referenced in your consultation represent current PandaDoc customers from 31 industries with 6 different company sizes, but the data you receive during your consultation will be from a customer with company size and industry similar to yours based on the information you provided within the form.

More questions or ready to get started?

Contact the PandaDoc Team at (888)-41-Panda or reach out here.

PandaDoc empowers growing organizations to thrive by taking the work out of document workflow. PandaDoc provides an all-in-one document workflow automation platform that helps fast scaling teams accelerate the ability to create, manage, and sign digital documents including proposals, quotes, contracts, and more.