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  3. Simple One Page Lease Agreement Template


Simple One Page Lease Agreement Template

Used 5,020 times

4.7 Rating (18 reviews)

Is it necessary to establish a legal agreement between a landlord and tenant? Use this Simple One Page Lease Agreement Template for your requirements by downloading it.

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  3. Simple One Page Lease Agreement Template


Simple Apartment Lease Agreement Template

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This Lease Agreement ("Agreement") is made on [Document.CreatedDate] between the following parties:







Image 5

Property details

Premises: The Landlord agrees to rent the following property to the Tenant:

a) Property Address:(ADDRESS)

b) Residence Type:(APARTMENT / CONDO / OTHER: (OTHER))

c) Bedroom(s):(#) | Bathroom(s):(#)

Lease type

Fixed Lease: (START DATE) to (END DATE) ("Lease Term"). At the end of the Lease Term, the Landlord and Tenant shall negotiate renewal options, or the Tenant will vacate the premises. OR

Month-to-Month Lease: Starting on (START DATE) on a month-to-month basis. Lease term can be terminated with (#) days' notice from either the Landlord or Tenant.

Image 7

Payment terms

The Tenant shall be responsible for the following during the Lease Term:

Monthly Rent: $(AMOUNT) due on the (Day) of each month.

Security Deposit: $(AMOUNT) due at signing of this Agreement.

Last Month's Rent: $(AMOUNT) due at signing of this Agreement.


The Tenant shall be responsible for all utilities and services to the Premises, except for (Enter any excluded UTILITIES).

Security Deposit

A security deposit of (amount of money) shall be given to the Landlord upon the execution of this Agreement and shall be returned to the Tenant, less any necessary deductions, (number of days) days after the end of the Term. Security deposits will only be used in the case of covering costs associated with extensive damage to the premises, not the repair of normal wear and tear.


Tenant is responsible for (type of insurance) insurance coverage of the Property. Tenant agrees to acquire (type of insurance) insurance coverage and submit verification to the Landlord within (number of days) days.

Termination of Agreement

If the terms of this agreement are violated by the Tenant in any way, the Landlord has the right to terminate the lease agreement after a bare minimum of (number of days) notice is given.

Other Terms of the Agreement

Both Landlord and Tenant agree to the additional terms: (here you can add any other relevant terms that you want to include in this one-page rental agreement).

The undersigned Parties hereby acknowledge that they have read, understand, and have agreed upon all the terms of the Agreement.





Simple One Page Lease Agreement Template

Used 5,020 times

4.7 Rating (18 reviews)

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