(There may be books similar to yours already in existence in the literary marketplace. In this section, demonstrate your knowledge of these competitive titles. List the books on the market which may be similar to yours in topic, genre, scope, or plot. Then, describe how your book will contrast these works. Provide examples of how your book will add to the canon of books on a particular topic, or how your book will offer a fresh angle and new perspective. Show how the plotline of the book will differ from ordinary, expected plotlines, and how your work will be fascinating and compelling and stand out from the crowd).
(This section slightly piggy backs on the previous one, by showing how your particular book will fill a gap in existing knowledge or in the literary canon. But in the Purpose and Need section, you can provide details on how your book is in keeping with current interest in society or how it meets a specific need. Perhaps your book is a nonfiction “how-to” type of guide which currently has no competitors on the market. This section can further elaborate on how there is a need for this type of book and how your work will fulfill that need).
Promotion for the book will begin immediately, as I will utilize my social media presence to build anticipation for the book’s release.
(Here you should demonstrate your plan for marketing and promoting your book, before and after publishing. You might use bullet points to address specific marketing tactics. Marketing tactics covered may include email campaigns, book signings, book discussion groups, public speaking events, endorsements, internet marketing, and especially social media outlets, as these are highly used for promotion by authors).