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Change Management Plan

Used 4,872 times

Drive successful organizational change with our expertly crafted Change Management Plan Template.

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Change Management Plan

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The change mentioned in this plan (explain its origin, the reason for implementation, and its need).

The mentioned change was implemented on (date of change).


The Change Management Plan's purpose is to understand a change's impact on business activities. Moreover, it aims to gain the agreement of stakeholders on the management of the name.

The plan also assists in determining any change actions that should be identified to measure their impact. This change can be either project-related or something else, such as process, culture, technology, and people.

Change Preparation

Business Strategy-The Change Drivers

The change drivers are: (Mention the key factors leading to the change).

The change is necessary to (Mention the reasons behind the change).

It is the company’s recent priority because (Explain the reasons).

Change Objections

The proposed change promises to (mention the scope).

Here are the groups/people that may get affected by the change:

  • (Group A)

  • (Group B)

  • (Group C)

Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies

These are the assumptions related to the change:

  • (Assumption A)

  • (Assumption B)

The constraints linked with the change are:

  • (Constraint A)

  • (Constraint B)

Benefits Expected

Following is the list of benefits expected after the change implementation:

  • (Benefit A)

  • (Benefit B)

Key Messages

Key messages to stakeholders related to the mentioned change:

  • (Message A)

  • (Message B)

Stakeholder Assessment

The key stakeholders directly impacted by the change are mentioned with their responsibilities below:

  • [Stakeholder1.FirstName][Stakeholder1.LastName](Stakeholder1.Interest)

  • [Stakeholder2.FirstName][Stakeholder2.LastName](Stakeholder2.Interest)

Assessment of the Change Impact

Assessing the impact of change involves measuring its readiness and exploring the groups that may be directly affected.

Change impact assessments were conducted with key stakeholders in the presence of agendas such as (outline of workshops).

The estimated impact on certain factors are:

  • (Impact on culture)

  • (Impact on technology)

  • (Impact on people)

Development and Training Requirements

Below are the requirements for training and development to implement the change successfully:

  • (Requirement A)

  • (Requirement B)


These are a few resistances to change:

  • (Resistance A)

  • (Resistance B)

Risk Assessment

The following are some significant risks highlighted in assessment workshops with stakeholders:

  • (Risk A with likelihood and consequences)

  • (Risk B with likelihood and consequences)

Change Governance and Leadership

The name of the Senior Responsible Owner is (SRO.FirstName) (SRO.LastName)

Other leaders in support of SRO are:

  • (Leader1.FirstName) (Leader1.LastName)

  • (Leader2.FirstName) (Leader2.LastName)

Here are the principles agreed upon to submit the change:

  • (Principle A)

  • (Principle B)

Resources for Change Management

  • (Sponsor.FirstName) (Sponsor.LastName)

  • (Sponsor.Title)

  • (Sponsor’s relationship to the change management team)

  • (Approval and delegation processes)

Change Management

  • Building engagement and support: These are the activities designed to support the change (Activity A) (Activity B).

  • Business readiness: This is assessed by (Mention resources).

  • Transition plan: The key milestones to change are: (Mention milestones with their estimated dates)

Communication Plan

  • All change-related communication will include (Mention the outline)

  • (Role.FullName) shall be responsible for delivering the communication.

  • The timing for communication shall be (date)

  • The company’s communication channels are (Channel A)(Channel B).


  • The (name of channel or method) shall be used to receive feedback on change from stakeholders.

Sustaining the Change

We plan to use specific activities to sustain the change’s performance and manage any reduction in its benefits.

Measurement of Change

Here are a few key measures to evaluate the performance of a business during and after the change.

  • (Measure A-During the change)

  • (Measure B-During the change)

  • (Measure A-After the change)

  • (Measure B-After the change)

All the targets for the mentioned key metrics are as follows:

  • (Metrics A)

  • (Metrics B)

Management of Resistance

We are implementing the following strategies to ensure that resistance is managed correctly.

  • (Strategy A)

  • (Strategy B)

Learning and Evaluation

The company’s learnings from the implementation of the change are:

  • (Lesson A)

  • (Lesson B)

Lessons from Previous Changes

  • (Things that went well)

  • (Things that could have been done better)

  • (Circumstances that should have been avoided)









Change Management Plan

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