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  2. Product Launch Template


Product Launch Template

Used 4,994 times

This Product Launch Template should include a summary of the launch's goals as well as other pertinent information, such as how they relate to the company's overall goals.

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  2. Product Launch Template


Product Launch Template

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Successful Product Launch Summary

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(Launch day)

Target buyers

Enter target buyer audience here. Examples: Women/Mothers ages 26-32, Men/Fathers ages 45-52

Target users

Enter user target audience here. Examples: Men ages 18-24, Children ages 2-5, Children ages 7-12

Image 3

[Sender.Company] will be launching a new product, the [Product.Name], on (product launch date). To lead up to the product launch, we will be issuing internal messaging to educate employees and pre-launch focus groups to forecast our target customers' responses to the new product. The product marketing team will also spearhead content creation, content marketing, and public relations efforts to ensure consumers understand the [Product.Name] and its new features.

The product launch will help further organizational goals, including (list business goals here. Examples: providing a premium offering to an existing suite of products, diversifying into a new product category, expanding product offerings to attract a new target audience).

Image 4

Product Description

(List a brief description of your product here, including details such as the product's key features, uses, product promise, and pricing structure).

Product Launch Checklist and Timeline

Pre-product launch surveys begin


Pre-product launch surveys end


Product development completion


Internal messaging and education for employees begins


Internal message and education for employees ends


Packaging and design elements completed


Soft product launch


Official product launch


Post-launch surveys begin


Post-launch surveys end


Product Launch Marketing Plan

Image 8

Market Analysis

Currently, the market for (enter the market here. Examples: consumer packaged goods, software as a service, children's educational toys) is (expanding, constricting, maintaining) its momentum, making this the perfect time to product launch [Product.Name]. The target audience for [Product.Name] is (target user information) as our target users and (target buyer information) as our target buyers.

Our current competition in this area is (business competition's name) and (business competition's name). We are currently (outpacing our competition or being outpaced by our competition) hence the need to launch [Product.Name] to strengthen our market position.

The market currently needs the [Product.Name]due to several market forces, including customer pain points in the market such as (List pain points here. Examples: Existing products are ineffective or too expensive). This product launch will also expand our total addressable market by introducing new target customers.

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Go To Market Strategy

The [Product.Name] go-to-market strategy will include the following components: (List go-to-market strategy information here. Examples: issuing new paid advertising via radio, television, and social media advertisements; creating a new landing page for the website; promoting the new product via social media influencers and public relations).

This strategy will convince consumers to purchase [Product.Name] by educating stakeholders on the product's new features and how the new product makes more sense compared to competing offerings. Our external messaging will emphasize the strength of our brand, and the huge amount of value [Product.Name] brings to their daily lives.

Product Marketing Launch Template

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New Product Content Marketing





Item 1

Description of first item




Item 2

Description of second item




Item 3

Description of third item




Public Relations Product Marketing





Item 1

Description of first item




Item 2

Description of second item




Item 3

Description of third item




Product Launch Teams and Tasks

Product marketing teams will be divided into four main groups.

[Employee.FirstName][Employee.LastName], our [Employee.Title], will be the person responsible for leading the product launch team and managing different aspects of the soft launch and official launch of the new product.

[Employee2.FirstName][Employee2.LastName], our [Employee2.Title], will lead the product marketing team for all content creation and content marketing tasks, including (enter content marketing tasks here).

[Employee3.FirstName][Employee3.LastName], our [Employee3.Title], will manage the public relations marketing team and all public relations marketing materials, including (enter public relations tasks here).

[Employee4.FirstName][Employee4.LastName], our [Employee4.Title], will be managing the planning process and the entire team to make sure we all complete product launch checklist items and hit due dates.

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Success Metrics

The following metrics will evaluate the success of the product launch:

(Enter success metrics here. Examples: increasing leads generated, growing customer usage, expanding user retention, gaining more market share, growing revenue, increasing competitive win rate).



Product Launch Template

Used 4,994 times

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