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  2. Design Brief Template


Design Brief Template

Used 4,889 times

A document that provides the specifications for a specific design project is known as a Design Brief Template. Provide details about the preferred aesthetic look and any other crucial specifications or rules.

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Design Brief Template

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Prepared by:



Prepared for:



Client background

[Client.Company] is a leading provider of (insert industry here) services and products. Based in [Client.City][Client.Email], [Client.Company] works with clients across a wide range of industries, including (insert industry here), (insert industry here), and (insert industry here). With a focus on delivering quality products and services, [Client.Company] is known for its innovative approach to design and commitment to meeting customer needs.

[Client.Company]'s most famous products include (insert product or service here), (insert product or service here), and (insert product or service here). They are well-known for their unique and modern design aesthetic, and [Client.Company] is always looking for new ways to improve its products and services.

Project scope

We're focused on creating an updated visual branding package for (insert client name here). The deliverables will include the following:

  • A logo design that (insert specific requirements, design guidelines, etc.)

  • A website design that (insert specific requirements, design guidelines, etc.)

  • Print materials such as brochures, flyers, and other marketing collateral (insert specific requirements, design guidelines, etc.)

  • Any other relevant design elements or requirements as determined by the client


The target audience for [Client.Company]'s new visual branding package will be (insert target audience here). These individuals will be between ages (insert age range here) and primarily located in (insert city/state/country here). Some key characteristics of this audience include (insert demographic and psychographic information here such as occupation, interests, etc.), and it is important to use design elements that appeal to these individuals.


[Client.Company] has several competitors in the (insert industry here) space, including (insert competitor 1 name here), (insert competitor 2 name here), and (insert competitor 3 name here). The most notable designs from these companies include (insert competitor 1 example here), (insert competitor 2 example here), and (insert competitor 3 example here).

  • Competitor 1's design aesthetic is (insert description here), and they typically use colors such as (insert color name/palette here) in their designs.

  • Competitor 2 focuses on creating (insert design style/aesthetics here) and often incorporates (insert design elements here) into their work.

  • Competitor 3 is known for their (list specific design element or aesthetic here), and they often use (list particular color, pattern, shape, etc.) in their work.

Intended Tone or Style

The intended tone or visual style for our client's new branding package is (insert style such as modern, minimalistic, whimsical, etc. here). We will use (list specific design elements here) to create a clean, streamlined look consistent with our client's vision and values. We will focus on using (list specific colors here) that are eye-catching and professional while also incorporating subtle elements such as (list specific design elements here) to ensure that our design is engaging and conveys the right message.


This project aims to create a new visual branding package that effectively communicates [Client.Company]'s unique brand identity resonates with its target audience. We will use (list specific design elements here) to create a unique and professional look that helps our client stand out from the competition. Finally, we will measure our success based on (list specific metrics here) that indicate whether our design is achieving the intended results.


A break-down of our client's budget for this project is as follows:





Item 1

Description of first item




Item 2

Description of second item




Item 3

Description of third item




In addition to the overall budget, we will need to work within the following constraints:

  • (list specific requirements such as page count, file size, etc., here)

  • (list specific time requirements or any potential delays to the project here)


Our timeline for this project is as follows:



Scope of work

Phase 1

(insert specific timeframe here)

Develop design concepts based on client feedback

Phase 2

(insert specific timeframe here)

Revise initial concepts and create final designs

Phase 3

(insert specific timeframe here)

Finalize design assets and deliver project files to the client

Possible delays during this project include (list any potential roadblocks or setbacks here). However, we will do our best to stay organized and communicate openly with the client to minimize any delays.

Previous Marketing Materials

  • (Insert link)

  • (Insert link)

  • (Insert link)







Design Brief Template

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