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  2. Self-Employment Declaration Letter Template


Self-Employment Declaration Letter Template

Used 8,536 times

4.4 Rating (12 reviews)

The Self-Employment Declaration Letter Template is designed to gather information about an individual's self-employment status. However, it is essential to ensure that all information provided is truthful and accurate.

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  2. Self-Employment Declaration Letter Template


Self-Employment Declaration Letter Template

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Re: Self-employment declaration letter

Dear Mr/Ms. (insert the recipient's last name or substitute this line with "To Whom It May Concern" if the recipient's name is unknown),

This letter is to confirm that I, [Sender.FirstName][Sender.LastName], am self-employed as a (insert your title, i.e., marketing consultant, graphic designer, etc.) in the (name of field or industry, i.e., marketing, finance, construction, etc.).

I confirm that I have been self-employed since (date) and operating under the business name of (business name or personal name). This business is a (sole proprietorship or partnership), and I own XX% of it.

The nature of my business is as follows:

(example text has been included below, but you'll need to update with information relevant to your professional activities)

Conducting sales calls with prospects

Hiring and managing qualified sub-contractors

Designing and building websites for clients

Strategizing and setting up marketing campaigns for clients

Writing copy for clients' blog posts and emails

Designing and printing physical advertising assets

Some of my major current clients include:


(Client.FirstName) (Client.LastName)/(Client.Company)

(Client.FirstName) (Client.LastName)/(Client.Company)

I reside at the address of [Sender.StreetAddress][Sender.City][Sender.PostalCode]

I operate my business out of the following address: (add business address here unless it's the same as your personal address in which case this line can be removed)

My gross income for the year of (year) was (dollar figure of income).

My gross income for the year of (the previous year) was (dollar figure of income).

Attached you will find documents that verify the statements made in this declaration, including:

(Examples of verification documents are included below, but these could also include tax returns, bank slips, registration certificates, etc.)

An original letter from my accountant along with tax records for (applicable years)

An original one-page letter from [Client.FirstName][Client.LastName] of [Client.Company] who is a client

An original one-page letter from (first name and last name) of (company name) who is a supplier

A credit card statement for the business showing relevant expenses

A copy of my business license/registration

If additional information is needed, please contact me via email at [Sender.Email] or phone at [Sender.Phone].

If there is further need to verify the information that has been provided, the following people have agreed to be referenced and vouch for the accuracy of these statements:

(An accountant, lawyer, client, supplier, sub-contractor, etc. could be some viable reference options worth considering for inclusion)

(first name, last name, relationship, contact information)

(first name, last name, relationship, contact information)

(first name, last name, relationship, contact information)

(first name, last name, relationship, contact information)

I hereby declare that all of the information that I have provided here is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and as of the date of this writing. I am aware that this self-declaration statement is subject to review and verification and that there would be potential negative consequences if any information were proven to be falsified.





Self-Employment Declaration Letter Template

Used 8,536 times

4.4 Rating (12 reviews)

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