Document collaboration just got even easier. With inline comments, you can comment on specific sections of a document, mention any member of your workspace, reply to comments and resolve them. If you’ve been waiting for a feature to help you collaborate with other teams or colleagues, the wait is over! Invite your team to PandaDoc and start collaborating!

Collaborate quickly & efficiently
Do you have multiple team members filling out different sections of documents? Need Legal to approve changes to T&Cs or Finance to approve custom pricing? Are you collaborating inefficiently via email, chat, or zoom? The good news is that you no longer have to! Comment on the specific section of the document that needs to be filled out or reviewed. Once all the comments have been resolved, you’re good to go!

Fast track approvals
Use inline commenting to expedite approval workflows. Instead of scanning through the document to find the section that needs attention, simply skip to the inline comment, make the appropriate edits, and let the approver resolve the comment. With inline comments, edits and approvals are organized and efficient which means you get your documents out the door more quickly!

Instead of sending documents off to your legal counsel for them to review in their entirety, just add them to your PandaDoc workspace and they can quickly read, resolve, or add their own inline comments. Faster review keeps deals in motion (and limit legal fees)!
Chat vs. inline comments
To avoid confusion, we’re renaming our previous document commenting feature to “chat.” Whereas chats are for more general messages between and, of course, for communicating with external recipients – inline comments can be used to reference specific sections of the document to team members within your workspace.
Visit the PandaDoc help center to get a deep dive on Inline comments.