As companies embrace digital transformation, tools like fax machines seem to be fading into obscurity.

But that’s not entirely the case; companies in various sectors still rely on fax for sharing and receiving files.

According to Vox, over 75% of healthcare establishments still use physical fax machines.

But with the coming of cloud-based fax technology, these institutions and companies are steadily becoming more receptive to go digital.

Whichever faxing option you prefer, you’ll need a unique fax number for your organization.

This article will show you how to get a fax number online for free.

What is a fax number?

A fax number is a unique string of digits for receiving files via a physical machine or online provider.

Fax numbers are similar to regular phone numbers because a phone company has to issue both — and they have a similar format based on both area and country codes.

Businesses sometimes use the same phone number for their fax.

But if you wish to keep your phone lines unclogged, you should get a separate line for phone calls and fax.

Why do you need an online fax number?

Businesses and institutions get a number online for the following reasons:

  • Online fax reduces your company’s carbon footprint by helping you go paperless.
  • They are easy to set up and use. You only need access to a dedicated app or any internet platform.
  • Getting a separate line helps you maintain clear communication channels.
  • It gives your organization legitimacy among older internet users.
  • It helps you save money by eliminating maintenance costs and reducing phone bills.

How to get a fax number

Let’s discuss how to get a free fax number online for commercial purposes.

How to get a free online fax number and a free toll-free number

Getting online numbers can help your business by removing the overhead for communication.

With toll-free numbers, you get a line with a three-digit prefix that users can call from anywhere in the world at no charge.

Online phone service providers like Nextiva and Grasshopper can offer you toll-free numbers.

These services will also show you how to get a free online fax number and a free toll-free number without a credit card.

Alternatively, you can contact your local phone service to request a toll-free number.

Sometimes, using a forwarding number is a cheaper alternative to toll-free lines.

How to get a local fax number

As mentioned earlier, you can use your regular business line as your fax contact.

But if you want a unique number, you must contact your local phone company.

Most local phone service providers offer bundles for commercial entities. Check out the available plans to choose one that meets your budget.

For going all-digital, you also need to follow the same procedure to learn how to get a free fax number online on mobile Android phones.

How to get an international fax number

Certain businesses use their toll-free numbers to receive fax from international customers and prospects.

Although this option works for some, you still need a dedicated international number with the country code.

This practice is standard in multinational companies with branches in different geographical zones.

Here is what an international fax number could look like:

+1 (234) 567-890 (this is a sample) or 1-800-FLOWERS

  • +1 is the country code (US in this case).
  • (234) is the area code (Northeast Ohio).
  • 567-890 is the fax number.

The second one (1-800-FLOWERS) is a vanity number — a unique line that spells out a word or phrase.

  • 1 is the country code
  • 800 is the toll-free prefix

Note: Your international fax number could vary, depending on the country. So make sure you confirm your line is exactly what you want it to be before adding it to your business card or company website.

How to find your fax number

You’ve set up your fax but forgot to note the number. Not all is lost; you can still retrieve your number easily by following these steps.

  1. Call the toll-free line 1-800-444-4444, and the operator will automatically dictate your number back to you.
  2. Call your personal line with the fax number. The ID will appear on your phone.
  3. Search for your number using an online service provider.

You can also use a reverse number search to figure out the owner of any fax line. This feature will help you avoid scammers and fake companies.


Every company needs a unique fax number to send and receive files to and from their customers.

Depending on where your business operates, you can get a local or international fax number.

To be on the safe side, you should get a toll-free number online.

Fax numbers also give businesses an official look, especially for older users.

After getting a fax number, you can use online faxing tools to send faxes online.

If you want to learn how to get a free online fax number, then this article has everything you need.

Frequently asked questions

  • To get a fax number, contact your local mobile operator. You can also use your business or personal phone number as your fax number. You should get a toll-free international line for businesses with global connections.

  • Yes, you need a specific number for faxing. These digits are similar to phone numbers; only the owner and people using the same line can receive the documents you send.

  • Google Voice numbers do not support fax services. But with the help of online fax services, you can port your Google Voice number to your physical machine or digital solution. Google Voice is also available for personal and business use.


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