The months ending in -ber are now upon us — and with them, a flurry of PandaDoc updates sure to uplevel your efficiency.
Topping the list of debuts is our fresh fleet of automations, with valuable eSigning and payment developments also prominently figuring into the mix.
All this, plus free-trial opportunities galore, PandaDoc in Portuguese, and advance looks at features coming down the pipeline before long.
In the Spotlight
Rounding up our biggest recent releases

Automate your PandaDoc world
Enjoy saving time? (Of course you do.) Loathe manual-digital labor? (We hear ya.)
Well, get ready to breathe easier, because automations have arrived to help you sidestep tedious tasks such as sending follow-up documents, copying and pasting between apps, and a whole lot more.
You’ll enjoy a smoother workflow when using PandaDoc with HubSpot, Salesforce, Bamboo HR, and a host of other apps.

Even more eSigning flexibility
Ever wanted to set a non-sequential signing order on a document?
Or add or remove a CC recipient and reassign fields to another signer after sending a document? It’s all possible now — through both PandaDoc’s interface and the public API.

More payment options on the way
We’re adding loads of extra-useful features to our Payments solution to help keep your cash flowing.
Get ready for effortless connections to payment gateways directly from your documents and templates, plus local payment methods that’ll allow you to offer ideal options based on your business and region.
And if all this isn’t enough, we’re making payment collection through Square and available to quote-builder users.
Small but Mighty
Lower-profile, yet highly delightful feature updates
PandaDoc goes Portuguese
In our continued quest to present a broadly multilingual platform, PandaDoc’s interface is now available in Portuguese. Sim! Visit your settings to set it up. Free bowl of delicious caldo verde available with every order (while supplies last).
Try our multiple workspaces add-on — free
If you’re subscribed to our Business plan, now’s the ideal time to give our multiple workspaces add-on a no-cost spin for 7 days.
Free trials are also available for reporting, content locking, agreement renewals, and PandaDoc CPQ (formerly known as advanced quotes).
Get more sneak peeks
Patience may be a virtue, and sometimes it’s unnecessary — particularly if you’re an eager beta-testing beaver.
If this pertains to you, visit our early-access page often for news on when you can test-drive the latest PandaDoc features before they go into wide release.
Your mileage never varies with variables
More improvements to variables are in: Not only have we made it super-easy to customize a variable’s name, but our popular [Document.SentDate] variable is now available in all templates and documents.
Pro Corner
Wisdom-steeped tips on getting the most out of PandaDoc
New look. New feel. New efficiency: Learn all about it
PandaDoc’s new look and feel is about to arrive, and we’ve even detailed where it’ll lead as it continues to evolve.
Now that you’re about to get acquainted with our fresh interface, why not sign on for a free, live 30-minute course outlining how you can get the most out of it? We’ll show you how to navigate everything with speed and grace.

On the Horizon
In development and destined for glory
🤖 AI OK!
One new feature we’re particularly excited about involves automatically generated text you can add to document blocks. It’s powered by everyone’s favorite 2023 conversation-starter, ChatGPT. Keep an eye on our Early Access page for more details.
Stand back and marvel, because our already-robust API offerings are about to get even stronger: Document bundling, radio buttons, and signature dates will soon be supported by our API.
📩 Using a shared email address?
For those who use a joint email address and need to sign documents, we’ve got just the solution: You can now create multiple recipients using the same email address.
Extra Extra
And now, this bonus item.

Advanced Quotes is now PandaDoc CPQ
Already one of our most widely used add-ons, we’ve improved advanced quotes by redubbing it PandaDoc CPQ.
And while this new moniker gives it the functionality-clarifying name we feel it deserves, rest assured that everything that made it a big hit in the first place will remain in place.
That’s a Wrap
All this is just a taste of what we’ve been working on to help you smooth out any kinks in your document workflow.
As always, we’d love for you to help shape PandaDoc by sharing your lightning-bolt product ideas with us on UserVoice.