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Neon CRM earned 20% more revenue per salesperson

revenue increase per sales person
decrease in turnaround time
hours saved per salesperson each week creating documents
Use case
Company size
North America

NeonCRM provides technology with a purpose to further the mission of nonprofits. Their nonprofit tech solutions help grow communities, inspire audiences and scale impact. With 90% of their staff coming from a nonprofit background, Neon is built by and for people who run nonprofits.

The problem

The NeonCRM sales and professional services teams, which onboard their clients, send a high volume of up to 40 documents a week (proposals, contracts, and quotes).

For most of their clients, they’re sending out two documents simultaneously. One document outlines the project, and then a proposal is sent with complete transparency about their pricing. That second proposal includes their terms of service and acts as their contract. Their terms of service change frequently so it was time-consuming to update them, especially with many salespeople sending out proposals.

Previously, they were sending PDF versions of these documents which raised two problems. First, they had no insight into whether they were being received and read. This made following up difficult and created delays. Second, it was inconvenient for them and their customers to get the PDF proposals printed, signed, scanned, and returned.

The solution

They were searching for a solution that would decrease the time it takes to create and send their documents, as well as reduce the friction throughout the buying cycle.

The sales had also recently gone through a major overhaul, including implementing HubSpot CRM and rebranding. So, they wanted a new way to send documents that could integrate with HubSpot, include their new branding designs and messaging, and reduce friction when sending their proposals and getting them signed.

Why PandaDoc?

When Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Business Development at NeonCRM, was introduced to PandaDoc, he found it “elevated the proposal process in all ways.”

The first major benefit was the ability to create reusable templates. Not only were these standardized, and in a central location for all reps to use, but they looked much more professional. And, instead of manually entering data via a Word document and converting it to PDF, each template includes tokens to input data (name, phone number, etc.) which significantly cuts down the time it takes reps to enter all relevant information. This became even easier by integrating PandaDoc with HubSpot, so these tokens are now auto-populated from their HubSpot data.

“I personally love how beautiful the proposals look and how easy they are to put together.” Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Business Development at NeonCRM

The results

Since implementing PandaDoc as part of their selling process, NeonCRM has seen 20% more revenue earned per sales person. They’re also projecting a 50% increase in annual revenue growth. They attribute this to being able to execute a proposal much quicker as well as a much better document layout, making it easier for recipients to review them.

PandaDoc’s detailed insights and analytics have also made following up much more effective for their reps. In fact, they’ve accelerated turnaround time by 40%, from five days to three, by knowing when recipients view their proposals.

They’ve had success closing sales quicker by knowing how recipients are interacting with their proposals and using that information to engage the prospect. For example, Sarrantonio related how if a prospect balks at the final price quote, he’s able to push back knowing that they haven’t even viewed it.

All of this plus PandaDoc simple eSignature has made their sales process much more effective.

“It makes people sign quicker!” Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Business Development at NeonCRM

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