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How to see resolved comments in Google Docs

For all of us Google Docs nerds, it’s essential to know how to make full use of the app — and knowing the ins and outs of its commenting functionalities are central to that.

To see resolved comments in Google Docs, you simply need to click on the comment icon in the top right corner of the toolbar and then select “Resolved” from the drop-down menu. Details below!

How to see resolved comments in Google Docs (desktop version)

If you want to view comments in Google Docs, including resolved comments, there’s nothing more simple — here’s how.

1. First, make sure you’re logged into the correct Gmail account that gives you access to the Google Doc you want to open (if you have more than one Google account, depending on the document’s sharing settings, you might not be able to access it from other accounts). 

2. Then, simply click the Comment button in the upper right corner:

How to see resolved comments in Google Docs (desktop version)

3. Next, choose “Resolved,” which is the last one from the four available options —  “All,”“For you,”“Open,” and “Resolved” — in the drop-down menu you’ll see.

You’ll then see all resolved comment threads in the Google document, along with information on when they were resolved. 

To reopen them (i.e. undo Resolve comment), simply type a reply in the text box.

This will bring back the comment thread and will also send an email notification to the document owner and the person who made the original comment.

If you want to resolve the comment again, simply click the checkbox in the upper right corner of the comment box: 

How to resolve comment in Google Docs again (desktop version)

Ans that’s it

In short, to show comments, you need to use the comment icon, where you can also add comments, close them, reopen them, and edit them, as needed.

It’s a pretty straightforward process — and it’s exactly the same thing in other Google Workspace apps, such as Google Sheets or Google Slides, whether on a Windows computer or a Mac. 

How to see resolved comments in Google Docs (mobile version)

To show comments in the mobile version of Google Docs (for both Android and Apple devices), you need to: 

1. Click the Comment button (also in the upper right corner), between the Sharing button and the three dots: 

How to see resolved comments in Google Docs (mobile version)

2. This will open Comment history, where you’ll be able to see all comment threads.

The ones that are resolved will be slightly grayed out.

If you want to reopen a resolved comment, you need to simply click Reply and reopen, which looks like this: 

How to see resolved comments in Google Docs (mobile version)

If you want to resolve the comment again, click the checkbox in the comment thread: 

How to see resolved comments in Google Docs (mobile version)

The process is similar for all other Google apps. 

Are there other ways to collaborate on documents?

We can all agree on the fact that Google Docs and Google Drive have revolutionized the world of remote collaboration.

Countless remote teams today spend their days in Google Docs, Google Sheets, and other Google apps, while working together on all kinds of projects, from copywriting to project management to financial planning, and more. 

However, in some cases, you might need some extra functionalities when collaborating on documents, for which a dedicated document management software may be a better fit. 

That is especially true if you need to frequently draft and sign official business documents, such as contracts, quotes, service-level agreements, and more. 

PandaDoc is one such solution — with it, you can: 

  • Make on-brand, professionally looking documents in a fraction of the time
  • Use 1000+ ready-made templates 
  • Get legally binding eSignatures
  • Share documents securely, only with the people who need to see them (Google Docs’ permissions can sometimes be confusing)
  • Search and retrieve docs instantly
  • Add inline comments and review all changes (via the review audit trail feature) for documents you’ve sent out 

If document management is a large part of your typical workday, all these functionalities can help you shave off hours of work from it.

You can try out PandaDoc for free with our 14-day free trial — and reach true document management mastery.