Efficient (formerly CyberBytes)

Cyberbytes Northtowns cover left
Cyberbytes Northtowns cover right
CyberBytes Industry
CyberBytes CRM
CyberBytes Company Size
1-10 employees
Northtowns Remodeling Industry
Northtowns Remodeling CRM
Northtowns Remodeling Company Size
1-10 employees

Efficient is a preferred integration consulting partner for Copper CRM (the #1 recommended CRM for G Suite). They help companies scale quickly and save countless hours by leveraging external software and automation. Northtowns Remodeling has serviced Western New York’s home improvement, building, and remodeling needs for over 35 years. Their relationship with top lenders and suppliers in the area helps their customers get the financing and brands they want most.

The problem

With a lean team and a steady stream of business, President and CEO of Northtowns Remodeling, Brian Marek knew he would need to optimize the efficiency of his construction company if he wanted to keep up with the growing demand for his services.

But that wasn’t the only iron Brian had in the fire. He had recently started a web development business called, “Efficient” with his step-son, Alex Bass. He was the salesperson, Alex was the developer.

But right from the start, Brian struggled to balance his 70-hour workweek at Northtowns Remodeling with his new commitment. His relationship with Alex became tense; Alex felt he was being stretched thin in his attempt to help find new clients while still providing quality service to their existing base. It wasn’t long before Alex expressed his frustrations to his step-father, and together, they agreed that it would be best if Brian bowed out.

But when it rains, it pours. Brian wasn’t out of the woods yet. He and his employees at Northtowns Remodeling were still relying on the time and labor-intensive methods of proposal, quote, and contract creation they’d used for the past 35 years to create and send more than a dozen documents each week. Their bandwidth was limited by the number of edits their clients requested to the proposals. This required tediously cutting and pasting the revised terms into the document, printing it, and re-sending to the client.

“There’s no way we can expect to scale with the current systems in place.” Brian Marek, President and CEO of Northtowns Remodeling.

Meanwhile, Alex had his hands full with Efficient. He had total control of the business, but now his mind was consumed with the question of how to grow it.

Northtowns Remodeling needed a document and workflow solution that was easy to onboard and enable his business to scale. Alex needed to find a way to grow his business and repair his relationship with his step-father, Brian.

The solution

Alex rose to the challenge, determined to curate a menu of integration options for his customers that would cover critical business functions and ensure easy onboarding while reducing context-switching and data integrity concerns.

Alex discovered PandaDoc and was particularly impressed with the eSignature capabilities. He knew right away that PandaDoc’s intuitive document builder had the ability to transform his step-father’s business. As a peace offering, Alex introduced Brian to PandaDoc. After a bit of initial resistance mixed with what Brian calls “blind faith,” he gave Alex the green light to fully implement PandaDoc at Northtowns Remodeling.

Brian couldn’t have imagined what came next.  He described the shift from his previous workflow to PandaDoc as, like when you buy a new car, it still has the same things: the lights, the windshield wipers; but the difference is the engine and the turbocharge – you can just do so much more with it.

When Alex checked-in on how PandaDoc was working for Northtowns Remodeling, Brian sang high praises and said his favorite feature was:

“The dependable quoting software. It’s easy to plug in the numbers you want and calculate pricing. I even did a test with my wife, I told her, ‘you’re going to create a bathroom estimate.’ These are pretty complicated estimates when you account for the trades and materials required. But with PandaDoc, she could do it in 5 minutes with little instruction from me.” Brian Marek, President and CEO of Northtowns Remodeling.

Brian knew his customers would appreciate the no-nonsense itemized pricing structure of the estimates he created with PandaDoc, and that this feature would help him build a relationship of trust and transparency with new clients.

The result

Northtowns Remodeling’s long-standing and already stellar reputation in the Western New York community improved. With PandaDoc, Brian was able to quickly send custom, professional-looking proposals, quotes, and contracts to all of his clients, whether the job was a complete home makeover or just a simple fix.

Alex was pleased with the success his step-father found using PandaDoc. It made him feel confident enough to add PandaDoc to the menu of offerings at Efficient and made it easier for him to step out of his comfort zone and sell his prospective clients on PandaDoc, too. Brian was relieved to hear that PandaDoc was able to help his step-son better manage the sales side of the business.

With step-father and son back on good terms, Brian told Alex,

“It (PandaDoc) allows us to make a professional first impression, which, for clients, translates into the confidence to buy. When you’ve got your act together, they’re in. When they feel like you’re a risky choice, they’re out. Less confusion, more sales; that’s how PandaDoc has helped us.” Brian Marek, President and CEO of Northtowns Remodeling

Alex was beyond thrilled. He knew that the success his step-father had experienced with PandaDoc could help other Efficient customers as well, so becoming a Certified PandaDoc Partner was a natural next step for Alex and Efficient.

Brian and his team still use PandaDoc’s templates, quoting software, auto-reminders, eSignature functionality, and file storage every day.

“If I had to make a choice between keeping my (business) phone line and PandaDoc, I’d cut the cord myself!” Brian Marek, President and CEO of Northtowns Remodeling.

Learn from other successful companies using PandaDoc