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Appointment Request Form

Create appointment request forms in a few clicks. Add electronic signatures, rich media, and drag-and-drop information fields. Streamline your document workflows.

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Appointment Request Form

‌What is an appointment request form used for?

For organizations and individuals with many potential leads, scheduling meetings and appointments can quickly get complicated. Coordinating through email or over the phone can lead to miscommunications. A simple appointment request form can help to reduce the number of factors in the process while still getting everyone scheduled. 

‌This document is used to collect information about the person who is requesting an appointment. The information varies with the industry, but it always includes their name, a way to contact them, and the reason for the meeting. Once the form is received, the recipient can use the form’s data to plan a meeting time that works for all parties involved. 

‌Common uses for appointment forms include:

  • Scheduling visits with clinicians
  • Requesting consultation meetings
  • Planning lesson times
  • Connecting with new leads

Who needs to complete an appointment request form?

Appointment request forms aren’t mandatory, but they make the scheduling process much more straightforward in many fields. Organizations and professionals can set up appointment request forms as the primary method of scheduling time with clients. With this strategy, all current and potential contacts need to complete an appointment request form to connect with the business. 

Another strategy is to set up an appointment request form for new contacts while allowing current accounts to email or call for their next appointment. This can help clinicians and businesses with a lot of interest screen their new customers without complicating the process for their existing clients. 

What should an appointment request form include?

Every appointment request form is different, but there are common elements to consider. 

  • Contact Info: The main contact information any online form should collect includes the person’s name and email address. This allows you to build an email list of potential connections. Other helpful contact information like phone numbers and addresses may or may not be necessary depending on your industry. 
  • Availability: Unlike booking forms, an appointment request form does not guarantee a person a specific time slot. Instead, the form collects times when they’re available so that you and your business can choose a time that works best. 
  • Reason for the Appointment: Every potential appointment is different. A good appointment form template will include a dropdown menu where people can select why they need to meet up. This helps the form recipient prepare for the meeting in advance. 

Healthcare and legal appointment form templates will often include:

  • Disclaimers: Some organizations may need to add disclaimers to appointment request forms as a legal precaution. These may specify exactly what the appointment is intended to cover or act as HIPAA privacy waivers.
  • Insurance Plan Fields: Healthcare organizations need to know whether a potential patient has insurance coverage before accepting them. Asking about insurance upfront can save both the patient and your healthcare organization time and wasted effort if their coverage doesn’t line up. 

Finally, good appointment forms will offer accessibility features like dark themes and screen reader compatibility. This opens the document to a broader audience and makes it simpler for everyone to use.  

Should you use a template to create an appointment request form?

A template can make the form creation process much more manageable, no matter what industry you are in. The point of a template is to give you a starting point for your own individual form. By using a template, you can guarantee that you don’t miss any of the basics while you’re focusing on customizing your document. 

Templates also save you time and resources. A good eForm template will let you add elements, remove fields, and change the wording without starting from scratch. Appointment forms are supposed to help you save time and stress, so using a template from the start just makes sense. 


Is an appointment request form the same as a booking form?

While appointment request form templates look similar to booking forms, they are not the same. A booking form immediately locks in the time which the customer requests, while an appointment request is just that: a request. The form recipient can turn down the request if they need to. This style of request also allows you to fit the potential customer into your organization’s schedule instead of vice versa.

How do appointment request forms differ from contact forms?

A contact form and an appointment request form have many similarities, but they’re not identical. Both appointment requests and contact forms collect necessary information like the person’s name, phone number, and email address. They may also gather the person’s address for billing and legal purposes.

However, contact forms are generic, with a simple field detailing the person’s message. Online forms for appointment requests are more specific, so they may include fields for availability, preferred times, and the reason for the appointment. This makes it easy for you to find a time that works for both you and the potential client without constant back-and-forth communication.

What is an appointment request form? 

An appointment request form allows a potential client to request a slot in your calendar for a meeting. You can collect information that is relevant to your focus, such as name and contact information.

‌Appointment request forms are helpful tools for busy professionals and businesses alike. Unlike other documents, they combine the simplicity of a contact form with a booking form’s utility. Once a potential client has filled out an appointment request form, you can fit them into your calendar when you have time. An online appointment request is not binding, so you have more leeway in whom you accept.

How do I ask for an appointment by email?

To ask for an appointment in an email make sure you keep the content brief and keep the tone formal or friendly. Begin by introducing yourself and stating the purpose of the appointment. From there, provide a list of dates/timing that would work for you. At the very end, add contact info and a thank you note.

How do I create an appointment request form?

Begin your appointment request form by asking a few personal details, such as the name, email ID, phone number, address, etc. From there, add a list of dates and times that work for you. Next, add the purpose of the visit so there’s an agenda when the meeting is established. End with a note that the information is confidential and should not be shared.