How PandaDoc revolutionized Rakuten Super Logistics’ document workflows

Rakuten Super Logistics streamlined operations across multiple departments, accelerated sales cycles, and enhanced customer experience using PandaDoc’s intuitive document creation and automation tools

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Microsoft Dynamics
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Rakuten Super Logistics is now ShipNetwork under new ownership.

The Challenge

Rakuten Super Logistics, a leading e-commerce fulfillment service provider, struggled with inefficient document processes across departments. Their sales team juggled multiple tools for basic document creation, which resulted in time-consuming workflows, repetitive data entry, and occasional errors. Other departments grappled with their own document-related inefficiencies, while customers faced a cumbersome experience with document proofing, signing, and returning.

The Solution

By implementing PandaDoc across the organization, Rakuten Super Logistics transformed their document creation and management processes. The sales team integrated PandaDoc with Microsoft Dynamics CRM, enabling rapid proposal generation. The customer success team streamlined onboarding, while the warehouse team efficiently managed visitor documentation.

Leveraging PandaDoc’s intuitive interface and powerful features, Rakuten Super Logistics revolutionized their document workflows, boosting efficiency and professionalism.

Identifying document inefficiencies

Rakuten Super Logistics, now ShipNetwork under new ownership, is a leading e-commerce marketplace company that provides comprehensive logistics and fulfillment solutions for e-commerce retailers. In 2015, they faced significant challenges with document creation and management across sales, accounting, and customer success.

Jonathan Grospe, director of sales and customer success, identified critical issues in their document processes. The sales team relied heavily on Microsoft Word and other disparate tools, leading to tedious and time-consuming workflows. This approach resulted in repetitive data entry and occasional human errors, impacting productivity and professionalism.

The customer experience was equally problematic. Clients had to navigate a cumbersome process of proofing documents, resolving changes, printing, signing, and then scanning or mailing them back. This inefficient system not only frustrated customers but also significantly slowed down the sales cycle.

Beyond sales, other departments within Rakuten Super Logistics were grappling with their own document-related challenges. The expanding customer success team needed a more effective way to manage new hire documentation, while the team overseeing warehouse visits required a streamlined way to distribute liability waivers and NDAs to guests.

Streamlining with PandaDoc

In 2016, Rakuten Super Logistics chose PandaDoc to address these challenges. The platform’s intuitive interface and powerful document creation features led to quick adoption, especially within the sales team.

“PandaDoc is easy to use and our reps really get into it,” Grospe noted. “The tokenization feature makes transferring the customer data they add to our CRM into their docs easy. Some reps have mastered the integration so well that they’re able to send out proposals right then and there while on the phone with a prospect.”

Recognizing the potential for further improvement, Grospe led the initiative to switch from Base CRM to Microsoft Dynamics in 2017, capitalizing on its superior integration with PandaDoc. This move further streamlined the document creation process, allowing for seamless data transfer between the CRM and proposal documents.

Grospe highlighted PandaDoc’s streamlined, intuitive features and user experience: “There’s nothing that’s repetitive. [PandaDoc is] part of their sales process now, it is essential. Sometimes when our newer reps see PandaDoc, they’re afraid because it looks so professional and advanced. But it is so intuitive that it ends up being so easy for them to use.”

Accelerating growth with automation

Implementing PandaDoc significantly improved Rakuten Super Logistics’ operations. The sales team experienced a transformation in their document creation process, moving from standalone Microsoft Word documents sent via email to a streamlined, professional system integrated with their CRM.

“In terms of scaling, my team has experienced tremendous growth,” Grospe explained. “We used to use the stand-alone proposal creation tool of Microsoft Word to create docs and send them via email. This wasn’t ideal for our reps, but what was even worse was asking our customers to print, physically sign, and then scan [docs] back to us. Now, with the combination of PandaDoc and Microsoft Dynamics, we are able to provide a much more streamlined and professional customer experience.”

The sales department’s success led to other departments adopting PandaDoc. The customer success team now uses PandaDoc for hiring and onboarding, which has significantly reduced the time and effort required to bring on new team members. The warehouse team uses PandaDoc for creating and managing liability documentation and NDAs for visitors, which ensures a smooth and professional process for all warehouse tours and visits.

Transforming workflows and enhancing customer experience

By integrating PandaDoc into their operations, Rakuten Super Logistics has revolutionized their document workflows across multiple departments. The sales team now creates and sends professional proposals quickly, often while still on the phone with prospects, dramatically reducing sales cycle times and improving close rates.

The customer experience is better, with easy e-signing replacing the old print-and-scan process. This not only saves time for customers but also presents Rakuten Super Logistics as a modern, efficient partner in the e-commerce fulfillment space.

PandaDoc’s success in the sales department paved the way for its adoption in other areas of the business. From streamlining the hiring and onboarding processes in the customer success team to managing liability waivers for warehouse visitors, PandaDoc has become an essential tool throughout the organization, driving efficiency and professionalism in every document-related task.

Ready to transform your document workflows and enhance your customer experience? Book a demo.


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