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The best way to research, sell, and advertise against your Goliath competitors

We all know the story of David and Goliath.  And many of us have a Goliath in our market. 

Whether you’re a mom-and-pop shop going up against a national chain or a startup trying to disrupt the market with a new business model or product offering, we’re all fighting against a Goliath for the attention of our target audience. 

While you won’t literally be throwing pebbles at the competition, your brand can use competitive intelligence to better understand what’s happening in your market and the pain points of your ideal customers. 

In this episode of The Customer Engagement Lab, we will take a look at our competitive intelligence program here at PandaDoc and give you a little insight into how we leverage market intelligence in our sales and marketing strategies. 

We also cover: 

  • How to navigate sales conversations when a prospect mentions your competitor 
  • Best practices for targeting your competitor in your marketing campaigns