Why PandaDoc is better than S-Docs

Switch to PandaDoc from S-Docs and enjoy better eSignatures, better customization, and better template creation.

User minimum101
Unlimited documents
24/7 support
One-click document creation
Salesforce integration
Template library
Drag and drop editor
Document analytics
Built-in eSignatures
Content library
Embed images and video
Custom workflows
Online collaboration
WYSIWYG template editor
Payment integrations

Built-in eSignatures

eSignatures are built right into PandaDoc, making it easy for you and your customers to sign documents without an additional product or subscription. PandaDoc eSignatures are entirely unlimited, legally-binding, and you can sign from any computer or mobile device. Your customers eSign the documents you send them using a private link, and signature verification is performed with automated audit trails.

Easier customization

The PandaDoc editor makes it easy to drag and drop headers, media, content, and pricing tables anywhere you’d like to create custom documents without HTML. Craft a customized proposal, quote, or contract in minutes, and automatically add the customer, product, and opportunity data from your CRM.

Better template creation

Template creation is more accessible with PandaDoc. The PandaDoc editor makes it easy to create templates with fields synced to your CRM, and your existing PDF templates can be uploaded as templates in seconds.

No user minimum

We’re happy to work with you whether your company has two employees or a thousand. PandaDoc pricing is straightforward because we have no user minimums, no hidden upgrades, and no surprise fees. Choose a plan based on your needs, add users, and start creating better documents.

What comes with my PandaDoc subscription?

Document analytics

Track document performance data across one team or several. See precisely who views the documents you send, and how long they viewed each page. Receive instant notifications when a recipient signs a document too.

Contract Analytics

Dozens of integrations

Connect PandaDoc to dozens of business tools including Salesforce, Xero, PayPal, and Dropbox to sync data and access documents inside the tools you’re already using.

Proposal Integrations

Centralized communication

Every document has a commenting thread built-in, so your team and your customers can discuss documents and negotiate in a central space without numerous emails back and forth.


Quick deployment

Many organizations can deploy PandaDoc in a few hours. If you don’t want to do all the heavy lifting, our custom onboarding solutions make it easy to launch PandaDoc faster than any other digital document solution.

Library Blocks

Solid security

We store your data in the industry-leading Amazon AWS cloud and use AES-128 encryption to ensure your data is never exposed.


Find the perfect PandaDoc solution for your business